This Is The End, Beautiful Friend
Today was our final day in Rome. A portion of our group traveled to Ostencia. This is where St. Augustine and St. Monica lived. We had the opportunity to visit the remains of the city. There is a huge Roman city that was excavated. These ruins of the city are mostly destroyed, yet there are some structures that are still very well preserved to this day.
Our entire afternoon was free so that we could rest and pack for our trip home tomorrow. Our time here in Rome has gone by so fast. It was an enjoyable time, yet I think everyone is ready to go home. Since our travel time is early tomorrow, we attended mass at a local parish nearby Sant’Anselmo. Afterward, we had dinner at the same place as our first night. Just as in life, every good thing comes to an end. Our trip has come to its conclusion in the place it all started.
This has to be by far my shortest blog on the journey, and it seems that today was shorter than any other day. The amount of time that I was awake was is the same amount as any other day on this trip. It is funny how fast time flies by without us even paying attention to it. It feels as if I have been here in Rome for a month yet at the same time it feels as if I just got here yesterday.
Thank you for taking this journey with me. In the past I have tried to blog, yet I have not been very good at it. Hopefully I will do better at it this time!
Stay tuned for upcoming announcements and exciting news from me in the coming weeks. May God bless us and may our Journey this Lent be guided by the Holy Spirit.
Fr. Andy

Fr. Andy Boyd is a Roman Catholic priest of the Diocese of Erie, PA. Currently, Father Andy is assigned to Saint George Parish in Erie, PA.
Father Andy entered seminary after high school, graduating from Gannon University and Saint Mark Seminary in 2014. In the fall of 2014, Father Andy began his Major Seminary Studies at Saint Vincent Seminary in Latrobe PA. Father Andy graduated from Saint Vincent Seminary with his Masters of Divinity in May 2018, and was ordained a priest in June 2018.
An avowed “Catholic Geek,” Fr. Andy spends his free time dabbling in media creation and network and server management.
Listen to Father Andy in his podcast Encounter Mercy.